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  • Writer's pictureThe Mourning Minion

PBE Update 4/10/2024 | Patch 14.8 | Jhin Buff, Pro Meta Commentary

Updated: Apr 10

The League of Legends test environment has updated! Here's the most recent changes I've been able to mine. Some more complex changes such as bug fixes and changes to spell behavior are more difficult to extract so I might have missed them and I am always improving my tools to get better results in the future. Visit the Current PBE Changes article to see all the changes currently on the PBE for patch cycle 14.8 which goes live on Wednesday 4/17/2024.


Follow-up to yesterday's chonky update and Phroxzon shared some more commentary on the changes for this cycle.

We've got buffs for Graves, Hwei, Jhin, and Ryze.

Per Phroxzon, the balance team seems largely happy with the state of top lane and support, and are seeking to inject a little more variety into mid and jungle. ADC got a little attention to try and keep Zeri from being a problem and make a few situational ADCs more viable,


Champion Balance Changes



CritDamageRatio: 0.4 --> 0.45




AP Ratio: .30 --> .35


Q AP Ratio: .75 --> .80




base MS critBuff: 10% --> 14%


BaseDamage: 45/70/95/120/145 --> 44/69/94/119/144

ADRatio: 0.35/0.425/0.5/0.575/0.65 --> 0.44/0.515/0.59/0.665/0.74




Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9 --> 11/10.5/10/9.5/9

SlowAmount: 0.35 --> 0.5




Final 14.8 Changelists!

Taking a bit of a different approach and talking more holistically role by role for this update.


- The top meta is looking pretty varied, with a mix of fighters, tanks, AP (any Morde enjoyers) and some ranged. We're not looking to mix this up too much as a result.

- Tanks are a little on the weaker side, but K'Sante, Udyr, Ornn, Sion, etc. should be situationally viable. We're not looking to make them a dominating blind

- With grub buffs and their spawn times offset, we're hoping to see a little less trading of objectives and an increased focus on attention on top side


- With Rell out, tank junglers most drafts should be less prevalent

- We're looking to get a few more carry junglers back into the mix and AP junglers are lacking presence, so we're targeting Sylas as an exciting flex (and hoping this doesn't come back to bite us )

- Graves, Jarvan, Olaf are also targeted to make an appearance, though Olaf is probably the most opportunistic of the bunch


- Azir's nerfs are targeted at his ability to get through lane in tougher matchups to open up more champs

- The meta is pretty mage heavy, but opening Sylas as a flex is aimed at having him see more play and with Leblanc, Akali buffs, looking to have a few more non-mages see play

- Galio is still a bit under after all his changes, so we're bringing him a bit further up; he's a relatively low mastery champion and we expect him to be able to live above 50% comfortably

- Hwei is a tad contentious, but he's a champion that we expected to balance around Pro Play. He's not seeing play broadly so we're giving him a buff (he had a brief stint in popularity though, but rapidly declined). He's a unique non-hard carry mage, so should add some additional texture there


- Despite not being directly buffed, Zeri benefited from both her core items being buffed, so we're taking her down some amount to open up the meta more

- Otherwise, we're seeing a good range of early, supportive and late oriented Marksmen available, and just trying to open up a few more situational picks with Jhin, Kai'sa and Draven


- Finally, just a lonely Thresh buff to support meta

- Overall, we think it looks good with a variety of things that are viable from many classes

What are you most excited about for the MSI patch? See you all in Chengdu!

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