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  • Writer's pictureThe Mourning Minion

PBE Update 3/28/2024 | Patch 14.7 | Cappa Juice!!?

The League of Legends test environment has updated! Here's the most recent changes I've been able to mine. Some more complex changes such as bug fixes and changes to spell behavior are more difficult to extract so I might have missed them and I am always improving my tools to get better results in the future. Visit the Current PBE Changes article to see all the changes currently on the PBE for patch cycle 14.7 which goes live on Wednesday 4/3/2024.


Small one today, Cappa Juice is now available for purchase in Summoners Rift, comes with a free hat!

Also we have slight walkback of the Fiora Nerf, and they put the mana cost they tested earlier this cycle back on Olaf R, but without reducing its late game power like they tried before.


Champion Balance Changes


Base Stats

Base AD: 65 --> 66

(Live value 68)




[NEW]Mana cost: No Value --> 100

(This is the second time they've added a mana cost to R this cycle)


Item Balance Changes

Cappa Juice

Added to the Shop!

Comes with a free hat.

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