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  • Writer's pictureThe Mourning Minion

PBE Update 3/27/2024 | Patch 14.7 | Further Adjustments to Champions

The League of Legends test environment has updated! Here's the most recent changes I've been able to mine. Some more complex changes such as bug fixes and changes to spell behavior are more difficult to extract so I might have missed them and I am always improving my tools to get better results in the future. Visit the Current PBE Changes article to see all the changes currently on the PBE for patch cycle 14.7 which goes live on Wednesday 4/3/2024.


Filling out the remaining changes detailed by Riot Phroxzon last night. Some more buffs to Camille top to get her out of supp, a buff to Karma support, and still trying to find a good balance with the changes to Galio and Skarner.


At this point in the cycle many champions have already received changes on the test server, this post only records the differences between the last PBE update and the current. If you are interested in the cumulative changes from the Live server to the current PBE environment, please check out the Current PBE Changes article.


Champion Balance Changes



%Max HP Damage: 5/5.5/6/6.5/7 --> 6/6.5/7/7.5/8




AP Ratio: 0.50 --> 0.45

(Live value .40)


Base Magic DR: 20/25/30/35/40 --> 25/30/35/40/45

Min Damage AP Ratio: 0.35 --> 0.30

Max Damage AP Ratio: 1.05 --> 0.90

(Reverted to Live)


BaseDamage: 75/115/155/195/235 --> 90/130/170/210/250




RESharedRatio: 0.85 --> 0.9


RootDuration: 1.4/1.55/1.7/1.85/2 --> 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2



Base Magic Resist: 32 --> 30

(Revert to live, still has increased growth)




Shield HP%: 8 --> 9


MaxHPPercent: 0.12/0.13/0.14/0.15/0.16 --> 0.15




Crits now increase the portion of damage from AD rather than the entire spell-damage.


CooldownTime: 160/140/120 --> 160/135/110

(Live values 140/120/100)



Riot Phroxzon on Balance Changes



- Mainly buffing AP ratios here to skew to mid and power in the passive to back up the longer fight time from last patch


- Divorcing the power of R shield from E to encourage more supportive casts

- Also increasing more of her utility outputs of W, which is expected to be more support skewed as it's easier to land than in mid


- Buffs to the AP to skew more towards mid - Her support is in a reasonable spot and while this benefits both roles, Support will be comp nerfed comparatively more by Zaz'Zaks nerf

- The net result is intended to be a net buff to mid


- For one of the lowest mastery curve champions, he should be excelling in regular play but he's not - These buffs are focused on enabling the late game drain tank fantasy and opening up the Q last hitting thresholds a bit more


- It's been a while since Olaf Jungle has been viable, increases to Q and W which are more jungle skewed and buffs to E when jungling


- We've drained a lot of power out of the burn and execute, so these changes are aimed at making him a bit more stable in the early game

- These changes are also biased towards making Navori a bit more competitive on second slot over Shojin

- Overall, we're looking to go about halfway to his power level before (he dropped ~3-4%, so he's significantly weaker than last patch)


- Pretty straightforward jungle buff

- Not looking to make it a primary role, but it's a role people like to play, so we'd like to support it as such



- Pretty straightforward nerf here

- She's been strong in Elite for a pretty long time; as a champion who's got a reasonable mastery curve (I know some people don't think so...) it seems reasonable that she shouldn't be solidly so far over 50%


- Rek'Sai top is too strong

- The way she wins is by ignoring opponent and spamming sustain on the wave, so we're bringing that down


- Rell is only strong for Pros, while simultaneously needing us to depress her winrate as a Pro flex

- She also holds very little playrate in jungle while doing weird stuff with her jungle mods from the Support role (eg. she's just incidentally good at taking Dragons when you're playing her support)

- Overall, these mods can be sustainable when it results in great outcomes for regular players, but when it results in depressed winrates for regular players while dominating the Pro meta (at times), this isn't a positive value proposition

- Similar to Blitzcrank, we're happy we did this experiment, but supporting her in one role is how we're going to maintain her moving forward


- R results in pretty deterministic low gameplay outcomes when played from the jungle role (eg. show up on a dive and person is dead)

- Nerfing the CD here as a result



- Objective here is to move power from Support Camille to top Camille

- Buffing Q rankups and reducing the power from E max

- Bloodsong is also nerfed

Nami, Sona, Support Items

- Changes here are to move more power into supportive outputs and less into "click on you damage" - Some of the damage creep here is coming from support items, so we're reducing these, as well as supports that are just doing a bunch more damage than you'd expect them to

- We're chipping away at these slowly over time

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