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PBE Update 3/26/2024 | Patch 14.7 | Champion Changes, Riot Commentary

The League of Legends test environment has updated! Here's the most recent changes I've been able to mine. Some more complex changes such as bug fixes and changes to spell behavior are more difficult to extract so I might have missed them and I am always improving my tools to get better results in the future. Visit the Current PBE Changes article to see all the changes currently on the PBE for patch cycle 14.7 which goes live on Wednesday 4/3/2024.


Big day for champion adjustments, we've got adjustments to Camille to bring her back to top lane, nerfs for Fiora, Rek'Sai, and Volibear, buffs for Galio, Kayne, Lux, Nasus, and Smolder.

Finally, a cute little nerf for Statik Shiv


Champion Balance Changes

At this point in the cycle many champions have already received changes on the test server, this post only records the differences between the last PBE update and the current. If you are interested in the cumulative changes from the Live server to the current PBE environment, please check out the Current PBE Changes article.




Cooldown: 9/8.25/7.5/6.75/6 --> 9/8/7/6/5

MS Bonus: 0.3/0.325/0.35/0.375/0.4 --> 0.3/0.35/0.4/0.45/0.5


BaseDamage: 80/110/140/170/200 --> 60/90/120/150/180



Base Stats

Base AD: 68 --> 65




AP Ratio: 0.4 --> 0.5


Physical Damage Reduction:

AP Ratio: 0.15 --> 0.175

Min AP Ratio: 0.30 --> 0.35

Max AP Ratio: 0.90 --> 1.05




RE Shared Ratio: 0.80 --> 0.85

(Live value is 0.30)




Bonus AD Ratio: 0.80 --> 0.85




AP Ratio: 0.25 --> 0.3


AP Ratio: 0.6 --> 0.65




Bonus Lifesteal: 11/16/21 at lvl 1/7/13 --> 12/18/24 at lvl 1/7/13


Base Damage 30/50/70/90/110 --> 40/60/80/100/120




Fury Minion Mod: 0.5 --> 0.2

(now only gains 20% rage from minions)



Base Stats

Base armor: 24 --> 26


Crit Ratio: 0.3 --> 0.5




Cooldown: 140/120/100 --> 160/140/120


Item Balance Changes

Statikk Shiv

Completion Cost: 100 --> 300

Total Cost: 2700 --> 2900



Riot Phroxzon on Balance Changes


- Following up on the previous patch changes, further nerfs to support items

- Shiv nerfs are a follow up to the Crit item buffs from last patch; champs like Jinx/Zeri are too strong, but other champions are ~the right power level

Last Patch Followup 

- Some champs were over buffed/nerfed from last patch

- Galio, Kayn, Smolder, Karma support

- We're directionally happy with where the changes for these champs landed, but power level is a bit off

- For the champs who were nerfed (Kayn, Smolder), we're aiming about halfway to where they were before and in the case of Karma Supp, getting her back to where she was, now that Mid is in a better spot

- For Galio, we're aiming to put him back to where he was, but just with a power re-distribution to be more about HP builds and longer rotations


- This patch, a common trend is reducing damage dealt by supports and increasing their utility outputs

- We're also making some changes to move Camille's primary role back to top lane; it's OK if Camille support is viable sometimes, but it shouldn't be at the expense of her primary role and shouldn't be her dominant role either

- Janna is purposely off this list, as she's being nerfed by both Zaz'Zak's and Mandate. We'll re-evaluate if this isn't enough Will chat more in depth about the champions tomorrow!

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